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关于恐龙 10件你不知道的事情

You don't know 10 things about dinosaurs

2015-06-14 09:32:13来源: 人民网

恐龙化石。 趣味 科学 影迷翘首以待的《侏罗纪世界》已在中国内地上映。 在去电影院领略《侏罗纪世界》的风采前,不妨科普一下10件关于恐龙你可能不知道的事情。 文字:熙怡 1. 有的恐龙能活300年。古生物学家估计,大恐龙的寿命在75年至300年之间。不过,这一估计...

dinosaur fossils. Fun science fans waiting for "the world" was released in the Jurassic Chinese mainland. Before going to the cinema to enjoy the Jurassic world, it might as well look at 10 things you might not know about dinosaurs.. Text: City Yi 1 some dinosaurs can live for 300 years. The ancient biologist estimates that the life of the dinosaur was between 75 and 300 years.. However, this estimate...