新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新赛季大学生校园足球联赛揭幕 规模创史上之最

新赛季大学生校园足球联赛揭幕 规模创史上之最

New season of college campus Football League the opening size of the record in the history of the

2015-10-14 23:45:07来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京10月14日电(记者 卢岩) 今天下午,2015-16特步中国大学生校园足球联赛在京召开新闻发布会,正式揭开了新赛季启动的序幕。新赛季联赛预计将有800多支球队参加,这将是一届国内史上规模...

new network Beijing on October 14 (reporter Luyan) this afternoon, the 2015-16 XTEP China Campus Football League in Beijing held a press conference, officially opened the prelude to the start of the new season. The league is expected to have more than 800 teams to participate in the new season, this will be a domestic history of scale...