新关注 > 信息聚合 > 常州一位70岁老人行壮举 砸8亿身家打造私家园林..

常州一位70岁老人行壮举 砸8亿身家打造私家园林..

Changzhou, a 70 year old man for 800000000 of his wealth to build private garden feat hit..

2014-12-16 07:50:56来源: 中国青年网

景区一角。战斗 摄 70岁仍意气风发的辛长宝。 “我把我这么多年赚的所有钱都砸在这个园子里,要做就要做国内一流!”华夏宝盛园的负责人辛长宝先生面对旅游部门及多家媒体自豪地说了这么一句开场白。...

scenic corner. The battle 70 years old still be in high and vigorous spirits Xin Changbao perturbation. "I gave me so many years to earn all the money hit in this garden, do you want to do the domestic first-class!" Huaxia Baosheng park for Mr. Xin Changbao in the face of the tourism sector and multi media proudly said so a prologue. ...