新关注 > 信息聚合 > 土豆携手韩国SBS Plus重磅打造首档跨国音乐打榜..

土豆携手韩国SBS Plus重磅打造首档跨国音乐打榜..

Potatoes together South Korea SBS Plus heavy build the first tranche of transnational music hits..

2014-09-24 15:49:52来源: 中国娱乐网

首档中韩合作、共同出品的跨国音乐打榜类节目《The Show》(韩秀),2014年9月23日在首尔举行新闻发布会,土豆总裁杨伟东、韩国SBS Plus Entertainment本部长金桂弘等出席本次发布会并致辞,此举正式拉开《The Show》韩国流行音乐榜单对决的序幕!全新一期打榜榜...

first gear China ROK cooperation, jointly produced the multinational music hit programs "The Show" (Han Xiu, September 23, 2014) held a press conference in Seoul, potatoes, South Korea SBS Plus CEO Yang Weidong Entertainment the minister Jin Guihong were present at this time the conference and delivered a speech, the prologue officially opened "The Show" the Korean pop music list duel! A new stage play list list...