新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿莱格里:马竞很强但不羡慕 必须两球获胜夺第一

阿莱格里:马竞很强但不羡慕 必须两球获胜夺第一

Allegri: the horse competition is very strong but not envy must win two ball won the first

2014-12-09 10:14:00来源: 新浪

阿莱格里称尤文的目标是争夺小组第一 新浪体育讯 尤文图斯即将迎来欧冠小组赛的最后一战,在主场迎战马德里竞技。主帅阿莱格里在赛前表示,欧冠小组出线是本赛季的首要目标,球队还要尽力争取小组头名。 ...

Allegri says Juventus target is the last battle for the first group of sina sports dispatch on Juventus will usher in the Champions League group stage, in the home court against Atletico madrid. Coach Allegri said before the game, the Champions League group stages is the primary goal of the season, the team will also try to strive for top spot in group. ...