新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游族MOB兰旭:收购掌淘最大意义在减少运营成本


Family travel mob LAN Xu: the acquisition of pocket Amoy biggest significance in reducing 8 months operating costs

2015-08-05 18:57:29来源: 新浪

DoNews游戏8月5日特稿(编辑陈艳曲)一次高溢价的收购让MOB从开发者的背后走到了台前。游族4月发布公告,5.38亿收购了掌淘科技,也就是MOB移动开发者服务平台。 面对业界各种猜测,近日游...

DoNews Game 5, feature (editor Chen Yanqu) a high premium on the acquisition to the mob from behind the developer came to the fore. Tour family in April announcement, 538000000 acquisition of palm scouring technology, that is, MOB mobile developer services platform. Face industry speculation, the last day...