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苹果iPhone 6S系列海外推广速度达历史之最

Apple iPhone 6S series of overseas promotion speed of history

2015-10-09 22:26:09来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】今日,苹果在美国推出了无锁版的iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus,同时这两款手机今天起还将登陆另外40个市场。 自9月25日正式上市以来,iPhone 6s系列仅仅用了三周就完成了在76个市场的铺货 这40个新增市场包括:安道尔,奥地利,比...

[Yesky News Channel News] today, apple in the United States launched the lock free version of the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S plus, also these two phones today will also visit another 40 market. Since September 25 days of formal listing, iPhone 6S series just three weeks is complete in 76 market, the distribution of the 40 new market including: Andorra, Austria.

标签: 苹果