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黑灵人战争 《极点进化》望天城背景解密

Black soul man "war pole evolution, look Tiancheng background decryption

2015-11-04 15:48:20来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 由广州觅奇开发网游《极点进化》是基于觅奇自主研发的3D物理游戏引擎研发的一款MMORPG网游,其游戏主城望天城宏伟壮观,将未来科技与古代的元素融为一体,这与它的历史是分不开的,现在就由小...

Sina game news from Guangzhou find odd to develop online games," pole evolution "is based on find odd independent research and development of physical 3D game engine research and development a MMORPG online games, the game main look magnificent Tiancheng, will not to ancient technology and elements as a whole, and its history is inseparable, now by the small...