新关注 > 信息聚合 > 外卖、二手车 看看315晚会曝光了哪些科技公司

外卖、二手车 看看315晚会曝光了哪些科技公司

Takeout, 315 show the exposure of second-hand car to see what technology companies

2016-03-15 22:47:57来源: TechWeb

外卖、二手车看看315晚会曝光了哪些科技公司 凤凰科技讯3月15日消息,今日晚间央视315晚会拉开帷幕,今年的3·15晚会主题确定为“共筑消费新生态”。本次晚会曝光了外卖平台饿了么黑作坊、二手车交...

Takeout, 315 show the exposure of second-hand car to see what technology company Phoenix Technology News March 15 news, CCTV 315 party this evening kicked off this year's 3 · 15 party theme of "Build the new eco-consumption." The party platform exposed takeaway hungry Mody black workshop, second-hand car to pay ...