新关注 > 信息聚合 > 物业将小区井盖涂鸦成卡通人物 业主点赞(图)

物业将小区井盖涂鸦成卡通人物 业主点赞(图)

Property will be district covers graffiti into cartoon characters owners praise (map) yesterday

2015-07-14 03:07:32来源: 青岛网络电视台

昨日,南岸一小区,物业环境主管杜主管正在看自己刚刚画完的手绘小兔 井盖上的机器猫 井盖上的“大白” 记者刘浩摄影徐嫚丽 郎女士住在南岸弹子石一小区,前段时间,她发现小区的井盖上忽然被...

, Nan'an District, property environment director Du director is to see he had just finished hand-painted rabbit covers machine cat covers of "white" reporter Liu photography Xu Manli madam Lang live south of marble stone, a district, some time ago, she found the area covers was suddenly...