新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中甲第30轮裁判:沈寅豪吹华夏顾春含执法大连


In the top 30 round referee: Shen Yinhao blowing in China Gu Chunhan enforcement Dalian Sina

2015-10-29 18:58:26来源: 新浪

中甲联赛裁判选派 新浪体育讯 北京时间10月29日,中国足协在官方网站上公布了本轮中甲联赛的裁判员选派情况,其中备受关注的两场事关冲超的比赛,沈寅豪将主吹华夏对阵深足的比赛,而顾春含执法大连对阵...

a league referee selected sina sports news Beijing standard time on October 29, the Chinese Football Association on the official website announced the round in a league referee selected cases, which have received much attention to two things Guan Chongchao game, Shen Yinhao will be the main blow China against the deep foot race, and law enforcement Gu Chunhan Dalian against...