新关注 > 信息聚合 > 适应新常态 谋划新发展 把广州旅游业打造成战略..

适应新常态 谋划新发展 把广州旅游业打造成战略..

To adapt to the new normal plan new development to Guangzhou tourism into a strategic..

2015-02-02 06:42:47来源: 华龙网

适应新常态 谋划新发展 把广州旅游业打造成战略性支柱产业 广州旅游工作成绩可喜 2014年,广州旅游系统认真贯彻落实市委市政府的决策部署,坚持改革创新、稳中求进,着力优化整合旅游资源,激发市...

adapt to new normal plan new development to Guangzhou tourism into a strategic pillar industry of Guangzhou tourism work achievement in 2014, decision deployment of Guangzhou tourism system is carried out seriously fulfil municipal Party committee City Hall, persist in reform and innovation, make progress while maintaining stability, we will strive to optimize the integration of tourism resources, stimulate the city...