新关注 > 信息聚合 > 针锋相对激斗连场!昆仑决中日对抗精彩指数爆表


Tit for tat battle field! Kunlun is the Sino Japanese confrontation brilliant index burst table

2015-03-23 13:17:37来源: 新浪

昆仑决中日对抗赛精彩纷呈 新浪体育讯 北京时间3月22日15:30,江苏卫视《昆仑决》又一次如约与观众朋友们见面,为武迷们带来一场期盼已久的“中日对抗赛”。此次赛事上,云集了中日武坛多位顶尖强者...

on Kunlun must match the brilliant Beijing of sina sports dispatch on March 22nd 15:30, Jiangsu satellite TV, "Kunlun" will once again come with the audience friends, Wu fans bring a long-awaited "on the anti competition". The event, Japan has gathered a number of top strong...