新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张家口宣化区全面推进义务教育工作(图)


Xuanhua District Zhangjiakou comprehensively promote compulsory education (map)

2014-11-24 16:16:11来源: 河北新闻网

人大代表在宣化九中进行调研。宋强摄 张家口新闻网讯 11月13日,驻张全国人大、省人大代表及市人大代表到宣化区调研义务教育发展情况。张家口市人大常委会副主任蒋书钢、区领导陈一诚、田锡滨、张国庆参加...

deputy to the National People's Congress in Xuanhua in nine to conduct research. Photo by Song Qiang Zhangjiakou News Network on November 13th, in a National People's Congress, the provincial people's Congress and the city people's Congress to the research situation of the development of compulsory education in Xuanhua district. Zhangjiakou vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee Jiang Shugang, Tian Xibin, Zhang Guoqing Chen Yicheng, district leaders in...