新关注 > 信息聚合 > 减少牙齿磨损 饮酒之后等一个小时再刷牙

减少牙齿磨损 饮酒之后等一个小时再刷牙

After drinking to reduce tooth wear wait an hour then brush teeth

2015-02-26 08:38:34来源: 大河网

人民网北京2月26日电 节日期间大吃大喝,承担咀嚼重任的牙齿还好吗?近日,《每日邮报》网站的报道提示,每个人都懂得爱护牙齿,问题是你做对了吗? 图片源自网络 很多人为了避免牙齿变色,会在饮用红...

people.com.cn Beijing on 26 February, during the festival feasting, undertake the task of chewing teeth okay? Recently, "Daily Post" website report indicates, everyone know how to take care of your teeth, the problem is you do it right? The picture from the Internet a lot of people in order to avoid discoloration of teeth, in the drinking red...