新关注 > 信息聚合 > Android M再次大变:直观查看吃内存软件

Android M再次大变:直观查看吃内存软件

Android m again big change: visual check eat memory software

2015-07-10 16:49:34来源: TechWeb

安卓系统的内存管理一直比较糟糕,泄露问题至今无解,Google Play等众多自家服务甚至可以说是头等内存杀手。尽管如此,Google在内存查看和管理方面倒是颇为用心,安卓M第二个预览版又做了大幅度...

Ann Zhuo system memory management has been bad, the leakage problem has no solution, Google play many of their service and even can be said to be the first memory killer. Still, Google is quite hard to look at memory and management, Android M second preview version also made a large margin...

标签: Android