新关注 > 信息聚合 > 广州市国土资源和规划委员会国有土地使用权挂牌..


Guangzhou city land resources and Planning Committee of state-owned land right to use listing..

2015-05-27 06:19:01来源: 华龙网

广州市国土资源和规划委员会国有土地使用权挂牌出让公告 穗国房挂出告字〔2015〕12号 经广州市人民政府批准,广州市国土资源和规划委员会以挂牌方式出让1宗地的国有土地使用权,现将有关事项公告如...

Guangzhou city land resources and the Planning Committee of state-owned land use right listing notice to the ear hanging out the real report [] 2015 12 approved by the Guangzhou municipal government, Guangzhou city land resources and Planning Committee to listing ways to sell a parcel of the use right of state-owned land, now the relevant particulars such...