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To challenge the limits of conditioner, Pantene open golden hair new standard

2015-07-14 18:57:44来源: 和讯网

你知道吗,一年三百六十五天,你的头发每天都在经受这样的考验? 经过一晚的睡眠,你发现镜子里的自己头发乱糟糟。你拿起梳子“狠狠”地梳理头发,然而地上却全是随着梳子掉落的断发,受损发丝营养不足使得梳头也成为了一件难事! 晚上回家洗澡洗发,为了让头发快速变干,你选择了吹风机,但是吹风机...

you know?, 365 days a year, your hair every day are subjected to such a test? After a night of sleep, you found that mirror your hair is a mess. You picked up the comb "mercilessly" to comb their hair. However, more are with the comb drop broken hair, damaged hair nutritional deficiencies so that the hair has become a difficult task! Shampoo bath home in the evening, in order to make the hair dryer, you choose hair dryer, but hair dryer...