新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新神雕侠侣陈晓版将上演大结局 陈妍希演绎女神归来

新神雕侠侣陈晓版将上演大结局 陈妍希演绎女神归来

The new The legend of Condor Hero Chen Xiao edition will come to an end the goddess Michelle Chen deductive return

2015-03-07 19:29:42来源: 河北新闻网

据报道,陈晓版《新神雕侠侣》即将上演大结局,杨过小龙女将上演重逢戏码,而“小笼包”陈妍希即将演绎女神归来。 其实随着《新神雕侠侣》的热播,关于陈妍希“小笼包”的调侃越来越少,而杨晓和陈妍希的表现...

according to reports, Chen Xiao version of "new The legend of Condor Hero" will be staged finale, Yang Guo, little dragon will be staged a reunion drama, and "dumplings" Michelle Chen will return the deductive goddess. In fact, with the "new The legend of Condor Hero" of the hit, Michelle Chen on the "steamed bun" ridicule of less and less, and Yang Xiaohe Michelle Chen's performance...