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过年回家拍照必备 大光圈人像镜头推荐

Home for Chinese New Year pictures necessary large aperture portrait lens recommendation

2015-02-20 00:56:14来源: IT168

【IT168 导购】过年大家都回家了,走亲访友是在所难免的。害怕被问及“有没有结婚?”“年薪多少啊?”这样尴尬的话题,那就赶紧转移亲戚朋友的注意力,为他们拍一张合照吧!要拍合照就一定要拍好,否则还被...

[IT168 guide] New Year everyone went home, Zouqinfangyou is inevitable. Afraid of being asked "has not married?" "Yearly salary ah?" This awkward topic, then quickly transfer the attention of relatives and friends, take a photo for them! To take a photo with us has to look good, you might be...