新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福州金山大桥助力车追尾的士 骑手砸中对向车

福州金山大桥助力车追尾的士 骑手砸中对向车

Fuzhou Jinshan Bridge bicycle rear end taxi rider hit to the car

2015-07-27 08:59:04来源: 新浪

海峡网7月27日讯(海都记者 陈恭璋 赵杨文/图)前晚10点左右,福州金山大桥桥面中段,一辆燃油助力车与一辆的士碰撞后,骑手飞出撞到了对向的另一辆的士,多处骨折。现场一名的士司机称, 骑手骑车闯机动...

across the net - July 27 hearing (Haidu reporter Chen Gongzhang Yang Wen Zhao / chart) 10 points last night around, Fuzhou Jinshan Bridge in the middle, a car fuel Bicycle and car taxi collision, riders fly out hit to another car taxi and multiple fractures. A taxi driver said the scene, the rider rides a bike ride...