新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘点常见手机谣言:低电量打电话辐射更高?


Inventory of common mobile phone rumors: low power to call higher radiation?

2015-07-27 10:03:00来源: TechWeb

【PConline 杂谈】最近,为构建健康良好生态环境,开展对于各类违规、扰乱生态行为的整治工作,微信团队推出了微信公众平台运营中心,包含运营规范、处罚公示、辟谣中心等几项主要内容,其中辟谣中心一项在当下“网络谣言千千万,微博微信占一半”的背景下格外引人注意。 网络谣言一直是互联网发展...

[pconline tittle tattle] recently, in order to build a healthy and good ecological environment, to carry out for all kinds of illegal and disturb the ecological behavior of rectification work, micro letter team launched a micro channel public platform operations center, operating norms, the public punishment, the rumor of the center contains several main contents, which rumor center a in the present network rumor thousands, twitter micro accounted for half of the "background under particularly interesting. Internet rumors have been the development of the internet...