新关注 > 信息聚合 > HTC新旗舰HTC 10或4月19日发布 外观大变

HTC新旗舰HTC 10或4月19日发布 外观大变

HTC new flagship HTC 10 or April 19th release appearance change

2016-03-08 02:59:43来源: 天极网

【Yesky新闻频道消息】日前爆料大神@evleaks透露HTC新款旗舰并不会被命名为HTC One M10,而是HTC 10,并且放出了该机的渲染图。而不久后@evleask再次透露HTC 10将在4月19日发布。 HTC 10渲染图 外观方面,从曝光的渲染图来看HTC取消了正...

[Yesky news channel news recently broke the God evleaks said HTC's new flagship will not is named HTC one M10, but HTC 10, and the release of the renderings. And shortly after @evleask again revealed that HTC 10 will be released in April 19th. HTC 10 rendering of the map appearance, from the exposure of the rendering graph to see the HTC cancel the...