新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴风科技的股价已透支1到2年业绩


The science and technology shares have overdrawn 1 to 2 years of performance

2015-04-27 12:13:43来源: 新浪

欢迎关注“创事记”的微信订阅号:sinachuangshiji 文/王如晨 如果今日再度涨停,暴风科技就能平了IPO重新开闸后的连续24个涨停的记录。之前,这一记录由兰石重装保持。而截至24日收盘,暴风科技再度涨停,已是第23个了。 我是暴风影音的忠实用户。但恰恰是这个时候,...

welcome WeChat subscription number on "things": sinachuangshiji / Wang Ruchen if the limit again today, storm technology can flat out of 24 consecutive daily limit after the re opening of IPO records. Before reloading, the record made by LAN stone keep. As of 24 closing, storm technology limit again, is twenty-third. I am a loyal user of windstorm image sound. But it is precisely this time,...