新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盛业城:不做房奴太轻松,安享人生好时光


Sheng Yecheng: don't do mortgage slave too easily, enjoys the life the good times

2015-03-16 01:49:56来源: 和讯网

365地产家居网 无锡(楼盘)讯在房价高涨的今天,买房成为了无数向上青年身上的一座大山。很多人认为,要买好房子不靠父母,势必要成为房奴。其实不然,在无锡,向上青年通过自己的努力不用当房奴也能买得起环...

365 estate Home Furnishing network of Wuxi (Lou Pan) - in house prices soaring today, buy a house become numerous to mountain youth on one's body. Many people think that buying a house, should not rely on their parents, it is bound to become slaves. In fact, in Wuxi, to the youth through their own efforts, not when the slave can afford a ring...