新关注 > 信息聚合 > 少宅家多走路 《太空牧场》IOS版上架

少宅家多走路 《太空牧场》IOS版上架

More than a home to walk the IOS version of the version of the

2015-09-25 19:27:00来源: 4399

由guyzware有限公司开发,以宇宙畜牧为题材的手机小游戏《太空牧场》在昨日正式于AppStore上架,本作同时适配Iwatch进行游戏。 本作玩家将作为一个农场主在太空中(?)饲养各种各样的家...

version of the guyzware limited by the development of the universe animal husbandry as the theme of the mobile phone game "space Ranch" in the official AppStore on the shelves, the same time, the game with Iwatch. The players will be a farmer in space (?) to raise a variety of home...

标签: iOS