新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海口9岁男孩溺水身亡 同行小伙伴因慌张未求救

海口9岁男孩溺水身亡 同行小伙伴因慌张未求救

Haikou 9 years old boy drowned counterparts because of panic for small partners not

2015-04-25 21:25:55来源: 中国青年网

消防民警打捞溺水儿童。南国都市报通讯员林宇摄 南国都市报4月24日讯(记者胡诚勇)4月18日,海口市云龙镇太乙村发生一起小孩溺水事件。两名同为9岁的小男孩相约到村附近的一处水塘玩水,结果其中一位男孩小宁不幸发生溺水。让人遗憾的是,危急时刻,另一位男孩小奕因为恐慌害怕,竟没有第一时间找...

fire police salvage the drowning child. Southern Metropolis Daily correspondent Lin Yu photo Southern Metropolis Daily News (reporter Hu Chengyong) in April 24th April 18th, Wang Yunlong Town Village of Haikou City drowning incidents occurred in children. The same for the two 9 year old boy is similar to the village near a pond water, the results of one of the boys Xiao Ning unfortunate drowning. Unfortunately, the critical moment, another boy David because of panic, and did not look for the first time...