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The hospital into the community (like China - taking photos at hand)

2015-04-12 03:58:24来源: 人民网

4月10日,“脑心同治·共铸中国心走基层——走进社区服务站”公益活动在广西南宁市举行,多地志愿者深入南宁市社区服务站,为前来就诊的患者提供免费诊疗。 本报记者 刘 龙摄

4 month 10 days, "the brain heart Tongzhi - shaping the China heart go grassroots -- into the community service station" public welfare activities held in Nanning city of Guangxi, more in-depth Nanning city volunteers community service stations, to provide free treatment for the patients who came to see the doctor. Our reporter Liu dragon photo