新关注 > 信息聚合 > 性感美腿!日本玩家Kibashi女版关羽云长COS赏


Sexy legs! Japan game player Kibashi female version of Guan Yu Yun Long COS reward

2014-10-18 10:50:17来源: 17173

人常说:“美不美先看腿。” 来自日本的COSPLAY妹子玩家“Kibashi”就很好的诠释了这点。曾经在网络上爆红的《魔法禁书目录》神裂火织COS已经算是家喻户晓了。而这张COS正是出自Kiba...

people often say: "beauty first leg." COSPLAY from Japan "Kibashi" sister game player is very good interpretation of this. Once on the network detonation red "toaru majutsu no index" God split the fire COS is already make known to every family of the fabric. This piece was created by Kiba COS...