新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王思聪定制主机曝光:闪瞎眼!(组图)


Wang Sicong custom host exposure: flash blind! (Photos) last year

2015-05-13 23:58:02来源: TechWeb

去年,王思聪因为吐槽京东买的电脑桌送货慢而引发网友的围观,当时大家就在猜测这位首富之子的主机配置会是何等碉堡。 近日,zol探访了国内著名MOD主机玩家刑凯,拿到了IG(Invictus Gami...

, Wang Sicong because Tucao Jingdong buy computer desk slow delivery and lead users onlookers, at that time everybody guessing the son of the richest host configuration will be how bunker. Recently, ZOL visited the famous MOD host game player got IG (Kay punishment, Invictus Gami...