新关注 > 信息聚合 > 目标日销10W 董明珠带格力2再闯手机圈

目标日销10W 董明珠带格力2再闯手机圈

Target pin 10 w dong mingzhu, gree 2 through mobile phone ring again

2016-06-01 09:29:17来源: 南方网


As of gree rely on home appliance, in recent years has been to the intelligent hardware development. Crossover for us isn't new, gree from home appliance crossover to mobile phones ring that also from the early generation of gree, but in the early generation of products is not successful, in addition to the added endless fun topic for everyone, did not bring a gree to enter the mobile phone ring any good. More recently, gree also released its latest gree phone 2, compared with the parent products also have a lot of...