新关注 > 信息聚合 > 民警讲述:“祖国花朵”与警察之间的故事


Police told: "flowers of the motherland" and the police story

2015-05-27 22:47:46来源: 中国警察网

民警在向孩子们介绍警用装备。 编者按:如果说孩子是花朵,护花使者便是警察。花朵缤纷五彩,使者责任重大。在六一儿童节即将到来之际,我们献上一组花朵与警察的故事,以庆祝花朵们的节日,也从中管窥警察的...

police in police equipment introduced to the children. Note: if the child is a flower, is the police escort. Flowers colorful colorful, the messenger of responsibility. In the June 1 children's Day is coming, we offer the story of a group of flowers and the police, to celebrate the festival of flowers, also from the police glimpse of...