新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015中国学前教育年会:探寻适宜性课程建设之路


2015 preschool education in China: to search the suitable curriculum construction of road

2015-07-26 10:07:49来源: 中国教育新闻网

探寻适宜性课程建设之路——来自2015中国学前教育年会的思考 获奖代表喜获荣誉证书,与颁奖嘉宾合影留念。 中国教育报刊社副社长张新洲为获奖代表颁奖。 7月17日至19日,2015中国学前教...

search the suitable curriculum construction -- award on behalf of the awarded the certificate of honor from 2015 Chinese preschool education in thinking, and promulgation honored guest posed for pictures. China Education Press, vice president of the Zhang Xinzhou Award for the winners. From July 17th to 2015, 19 Chinese preschool education...