新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两部电影公布演员阵容 又冒出了一个帅气的小鲜肉

两部电影公布演员阵容 又冒出了一个帅气的小鲜肉

The two film released in the cast and the emergence of a handsome little meat

2015-04-02 08:56:17来源: 杭州网


recently, adapted from writer out youth movie "six get" Coffee Museum announced cast, have been based on "young" won the Shanghai Film Festival Award for best actor in the media after Dong Jian, and a finalist in Taiwan Golden Horse Award Yan Zhuoling partner. "Six get Coffee Museum" will begin shooting in the middle of this month, will be in time for this...

标签: 电影