新关注 > 信息聚合 > 200多块拿下永久S黄金追魂 相信抽奖有奇迹

200多块拿下永久S黄金追魂 相信抽奖有奇迹

More than 200 pieces with permanent s Gold deception believe that draw a miracle

2015-09-26 23:39:17来源: 游久网

今天本来买了30个五彩变身石 抽奖 结果全悲剧了 2点的时候想想 马上这道具就要停售了 又买了10个开并不抱有太大希望 抽奖前在签名上 写上了 相信抽奖有奇迹 顺便刷了几个喇叭 记得刷的最后一个喇叭...

today originally bought the 30 colorful turned stone draw the whole tragedy 2 think immediately the props will be discontinued and bought 10 open does not hold out much hope before the lottery wrote in the signature to believe that draw a miracle way to brush a few speakers remember to brush the last speaker...