新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武汉一高中出台新规:学生会游泳才能毕业


Wuhan High School introduced new regulations: students can swim to graduate

2015-03-05 21:06:49来源: 中国网

校长周鹏程与学生切磋球技 楚天都市报讯(记者罗欣)昨日,华师一附中出台新规:从今秋开学的高一新生起,学生在高中3年内必须掌握游泳和一门球技并通过学校的体育特长测试,否则将拿不到高中毕业证。 记者了解到,该校将从下届高一新生开始推行体育艺术“2+1+1”方案,学生在高中3年里,必须...

principal Zhou Pengcheng and the students learn skills Chutian Metropolis Daily News (reporter Luo Xin) yesterday, a Chinese middle school teacher introduced new regulations: from this fall's freshman in high school, students in 3 years must master the swimming skills and a door and through the school the sports special skill testing, or it will get a high school diploma. The reporter understands, the school will begin to carry out sports art "2+1+1" scheme from the next a new high, the students in the school 3 years, must...