新关注 > 信息聚合 > “急诊科女超人”于莺:想打造一个有温度诊所


"The emergency department superwoman" Orioles: want to build a temperature clinic

2015-05-22 06:30:56来源: 南方网

即使已经离开协和将近两年,曾经的“急诊科女超人”于莺还是常常被追问同一个问题:“你为什么辞职?”在许多人的心目中,这座“东方医学王国”像一座堡垒,里面的医生掌管生死密码,拥有至高无上的尊荣。 去...

even have left Union for nearly two years, once the "emergency department female Superman" Orioles is often ask a question: "why did you quit?" In the eyes of many people, this Oriental kingdom of medicine, like a fortress, the doctor in charge of life and death code, with the supremacy of the honor. Go...