新关注 > 信息聚合 > 台游览车事故大陆罹难者每人可获850万台币理赔额


Taiwan tour bus accident victims per continent will receive NT $ 8.5 million for Claims

2016-07-23 17:03:05来源: 搜狐

7月21日,台湾“7·19”游览车事故大陆罹难者家属抵台,完成DNA检体采集后首先赶往设在桃园市中坜殡仪馆的灵堂献花、寄托哀思。 中新社记者 徐冬冬 摄 中新网7月23日电 据台湾联合新闻网报道...

July 21, Taiwan's "July 19" tour bus accident mainland families of the victims arrived in Taiwan, after the completion of the first to rush to collect DNA samples provided in Chungli, Taoyuan City hall funeral flowers, mourning. China news agency reporters Xu Dong and Dong She BEIJING, July 23, according to Taiwan's United News reported ...