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演艺圈是下三烂行业? 李敖被黄安酸写书没钱在嫉妒

The entertainment industry is dirty? Li Ao is flavianic acid in writing and no money in jealousy

2015-06-01 02:15:50来源: 台海网

台海网(微博)5月31日讯 据台湾媒体报道,作家李敖常对社会现况发表意见,最近在微博引用“婊子无情,戏子无义”来形容演员,甚至重批演艺圈是“下三烂行业”,让发言同样犀利的黄安感到不满,直批他“当年他...

Taiwan network (microblogging) May 31 hearing, according to Taiwan media reports, the writer Li Aochang current situation of social comment, recently in micro Bo cited "heartless bitch, the actor has no meaning" to describe the actor, even heavy group showbiz is "Xia sanlan industry", let's speak the same sharp Huang dissatisfied, straight, he approved "when he...