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《幻城》终于摆脱五毛特效 情节紧凑但群演不及格

"-" 50 Fen special circumstances of the compact but finally get rid of swarm fail

2016-07-25 00:09:49来源: 华商网

冰火两族王子对决 凤凰娱乐讯(采写/小南) 7月23日,改编自郭敬明同名小说、沈芷凝编剧、鞠觉亮导演、冯绍峰、宋茜、马天宇、张萌、麦迪娜领衔主演的电视剧《幻城》在京举行超前点映会,近百名媒体与粉丝提前观看了该剧的前三集。从昨天观看的效果来看,《幻城》在特效部分十分亮眼,完全能支撑起全新...

Addict two family Prince showdown Phoenix Entertainment News (selects / Xiao Nan) July 23, adapted from the novel of the same name Guo Jingming, Shen Zhining screenwriter, Ju not director, Feng Shao Feng, song Qian, wma, Zhang Meng, Medina starred starred in the TV drama "Huancheng" held in Beijing ahead of the point mapping, nearly a hundred media and fans early to watch the three sets of the show. From yesterday to watch the effect, "-" in the special part is very brisk, fully capable of supporting new...