新关注 > 信息聚合 > 李克强出席中法工商峰会闭幕式并致辞


Li Keqiang attended the Sino French Business Summit closing ceremony and delivered a speech 7 months

2015-07-04 00:55:30来源: 人民网

当地时间7月2日,国务院总理李克强在法国西南部城市图卢兹与法国总理瓦尔斯共同出席中法工商峰会闭幕式并发表致辞。 新华社记者 庞兴雷 摄

local time 2 days, premier of the State Council in the southwestern city of Toulouse, France and French Prime Minister Valls attended French Business Summit closing ceremony and delivered a speech. Xinhua News Agency reporter Pang Xinglei photo