新关注 > 信息聚合 > AppStore添无内购游戏 容量限制增至4GB

AppStore添无内购游戏 容量限制增至4GB

AppStore adds no purchase games to 4GB

2015-02-17 02:53:07来源: 17173

出于对应用内收费的完全透明孜孜不倦的追求,苹果公司近日为苹果应用商店增加了全新的“一次性付费游戏”的分类。 苹果公司以日常应用推荐的形式,对不包含任何形式微交易的付费移动游戏进行了一次特别的分类...

for charging capacity limit of application in the completely transparent diligently pursue, Apple Corp recently for the app store has increased the classification of new "pay once a game". Apple Corp to daily application recommendations, to does not contain any form of paying mobile game micro transactions classify a special...

标签: PS 游戏 APP