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揭林凤娇和成龙坎坷这些年:小三生女 儿子吸毒

Jie Joan Lin and Jackie Chan downs these years: small tertiary female son drugs

2015-02-12 13:35:19来源: 新华报业网

成龙一家三口 据台湾媒体报道,艺人房祖名、柯震东在北京吸毒遭逮,消息震惊娱乐圈,更有消息指出警方已锁定120名演艺圈“毒虫”,让演艺圈蒙上阴影。成龙事后向外界道歉表示自己:“教子无方”,现在又有消息指出,房祖名被捕当晚,其实他与妻子林凤娇因为联络不上儿子一度以为爱子被绑架,没想到却是...

Jackie Chan a family of three, according to Taiwan media reports, Ke Zhendong was caught taking drugs artist Jaycee Chan, in Beijing, the news shocked the entertainment circle, more information that police have identified 120 showbiz "vermin", let the showbiz overshadowed. Jackie Chan later to the outside world to apologize said he: "motherhood misdirected", now there is news that evening, Jaycee Chan was arrested, but he and his wife Joan Lin because not contact son once thought that son was kidnapped, but did not expect...