新关注 > 信息聚合 > 认怂 本田承认低估了F1的巨大挑战:没想到这么难

认怂 本田承认低估了F1的巨大挑战:没想到这么难

Recognize counsels Honda admitted underestimating the enormous challenge of F1: I didn't think so difficult

2015-08-06 13:37:02来源: 新浪

阿隆索徒手推行引擎罢工的赛车 新浪体育讯 在经历了近乎灾难性的半个赛季之后,本田公司承认他们低估了进入F1的巨大挑战。 本田与迈凯轮车队曾在上世纪90年代的合作中有过巨大的成功。进入新千年,...

Alonso unarmed implementation engine strike car of sina sports dispatch after has experienced nearly half a disastrous season, Honda admit they underestimated the big challenges in F1. Honda with McLaren in the last century 90's cooperation had great success. Into the new millennium,...