新关注 > 信息聚合 > 强强对话:大连大学逆转胜电子科大


Strong dialogue: reversal of Dalian University Sheng Electronic Science and technology

2015-06-04 23:23:04来源: 华体网

2015年6月4日,2014-15特步中国大学生五人足球联赛北大赛区小组赛继续展开第三比赛日的争夺,第一场比赛由电子科技大学对阵大连大学。大连大学在上半场落后的情况下,下半场展开疯狂反扑,以9:6实现逆转,取得小组赛两连胜。 上半场第1分钟,电子科大16号徐鹏抓住门将扑空的机会射门得分...

2015 on April 6, 1992, the 2014-15 XTEP Chinese college Futsal League North Division team competition to competing in the game in the third day, from the first game against the University of Electronic Science and technology, Dalian University. Dalian University in the first half behind. In the second half started a desperate counterattack, get two group matches in a row to 9:6 reversed. First minutes in the first half, dianzaikeda No. 16 Xu Peng to seize the opportunity to score outsmarted the goalkeeper...