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林俊杰网上直播泡温泉 网友直呼:看不够!(图)

JJ webcast hot springs friends address him: can not get enough! (FIG)

2016-03-30 05:15:55来源: 中国新闻网

中新网3月29日电 台湾“东森新闻”报道,艺人林俊杰出道12年,兼具创作及歌唱实力,唱过许多知名情歌,成为很多人心目中的创作才子。不仅如此,他也常常会在网络与歌迷分享日常生活,他29日在网上开直播,没想到竟是拍自己在泡温泉的样子,湿身模样让粉丝看了好害羞。 林俊杰29日在网上放送直播...

BEIJING, March 29 Taiwan Power "ETTV" reported, JJ debut artist for 12 years, both the creation and singing strength, sang many well-known songs, became the minds of many people's creative genius. Not only that, he also often share a network with fans everyday life, he opened online live on the 29th, I did not expect to actually shoot themselves in hot springs like, wet body look good so that fans looked shy. JJ 29 serving online live ...

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