新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电视综艺节目新面孔扎堆 毛阿敏郭晓冬陈意涵都要上

电视综艺节目新面孔扎堆 毛阿敏郭晓冬陈意涵都要上

TV variety show the new face of Mao Amin Guo Xiaodong Ivy Chen have to get together on

2015-04-10 14:16:50来源: 新华报业网

重庆晨报记者赵欣报道 《我是歌手》第三季以韩红孙楠分封“歌王”与“鸽王”收官。当晚节目的精彩与乌龙在引来口碑与口水的同时,也以超高的收视率为一季度的电视综艺大战划上圆满句号。在《我是歌手》、《最强大脑》等节目缺席的二季度晚间档,包括《真正男子汉》、《花儿与少年2》、《花样姐姐2》等一...

Chongqing morning news reporter Zhao Xin reported "I'm a singer" Han Hong Sun Nan "in the third quarter of" King "and" King Pigeon "ending. During the show, the wonderful and oolong in attracting reputation and slobber. At the same time, also with high ratings for television war put a period in the first quarter. In the "I", "singer" and other programs The Brain absent two quarter night stalls, including "real man", "flowers and young 2", "2" as a sister figure...