新关注 > 信息聚合 > (季报)天邦股份前三季净利5226万 增187%

(季报)天邦股份前三季净利5226万 增187%

(quarterly) day state shares before the third quarter net profit of 52.26 million increase 187%

2015-10-26 23:36:20来源: 和讯网

全景网10月26日讯 天邦股份(002124,股吧)(002124)周一披露季报,公司前三季度实现净利润5225.64万元,较上年同期增长187.26%;基本每股收益0.2507元。 1-9月,...

panorama network on October 26 news day state shares (002124, stock it) (002124) Monday quarterly disclosure, before the company's three quarters realize net profit 5225.64_wan million yuan, a year-on-year growth of 187.26%; basic earnings per share earnings 0.2507. 1-9 months,...