新关注 > 信息聚合 > 民间资金涌入场馆建设 三门市民乐享文化大餐

民间资金涌入场馆建设 三门市民乐享文化大餐

Folk funds into the construction of venues three stores Minle enjoy cultural feast

2014-12-14 08:44:58来源: 浙江在线

浙江在线12月14日讯 (浙江日报记者 嵇哲 通讯员 郑胤)民间人士周星伟投入8700万元建设启明博物馆,馆藏文物2000余件,成为三门县文化新地标。此外,三门县还有有为图书馆、高天祥艺术馆、万忠奇...

Zhejiang on December 14th news (Zhejiang Daily reporter Ji Zhe Zheng Yin correspondent) folk personage Zhou Xingwei to invest 87000000 yuan building Qiming Museum, collection of more than 2000 pieces of cultural relics, has become a new landmark of three door county culture. In addition, three door county also for library, the Gao Tianxiang Museum of art, Wan Zhongqi...