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三部大戏 胡歌霸屏下半年各家卫视黄金档

Three drama Hu Ge PA screen half the prime time TV

2015-08-16 11:11:12来源: 安徽电视台

自2005年《仙剑奇侠传》走红后,胡歌一直不算是特别高产的演员。特别是近几年,他自己做了制作人后,更注重剧本质量和高素质的合作团队。每年只出一两部堪称精品的影视作品。 自2005年《仙剑奇侠传》走...

since 2005 the paladin biography "after the popular, Hu Ge has been not particularly prolific actors. Especially in the last few years, he himself made the producer, more focus on the script quality and high quality of the cooperative team. Every year, only one or two of the film works fine. Since 2005 Legend of Sword and Fairy "go"...